Slimtone has made a huge difference in Martin’s life. “I was an incredible 21 stone 4 lbs at the start of my journey!, he says. “My health was very poor – I had high blood pressure, high cholesterol and suffered from type two diabetes. Now that I’ve lost over 4 stone, my blood pressure and cholesterol are normal and, best of all, I’ve reversed my diabetes!”
Martin says that it’s all down to the healthy lifestyle plans from Slimtone and the support and encouragement from Marie and Sue, the class leader at the Danymynydd class, as well as all the members in his class.
Marie is delighted with Martin’s success. “It’s great to see how much Martin has achieved. He even got a mention on the back of our new book, the Slimtone Lifestyle Plan Extra! It’s available to all members who come to class in February – current, new and re-joining members. There are lots of tasty recipes and new ideas which members really like.”
“Martin is an inspiration in the Danymynydd class.
He also has quite a fan club with our Slimtone members who follow all the tasty meals he posts on Facebook.
“As well as support from all the Slimtone team, Martin has someone special to help him along the way too.
Enzo is Martin’s four-legged personal fitness trainer and makes sure he gets those steps in, no matter what the weather!”

You can read Martin’s success story here. I’m sure it will inspire you to come along to class. There are classes all over the Bridgend area, check out what’s most convenient for you here.
And remember, if you come along in the next few weeks, as well as the full Slimtone package, you’ll get a copy of our new Lifestyle Plan Extra as well.
I look forward to seeing you soon,
Marie x
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