Lose 1 pound a week…

Lose 1 pound a week…

Gosh, now the children are back to school, the weeks are flying by! I’ve checked the calendar and there are just 15 weeks until Christmas! That means that it’s possible to lose a stone by the time Father Christmas comes along – and that’s losing just one pound a week!...
Celebrating 25 years of online success!

Celebrating 25 years of online success!

25 years ago Slimtone took the brave step to go online! Very quickly the first online order arrived for a Slimtone Lifestyle Plan that was sent out to Germany. Marie explains, “A past Slimtone member had moved to Germany and, as soon as we went online, she placed her...
Tips for avoiding an Egg-cessive Easter!

Tips for avoiding an Egg-cessive Easter!

The clocks have changed, Easter’s here and Spring is in the air….as long as you don’t listen to the weather forecast, that is!! It’s easy at this time of year to get a bit carried away, but Slimtone members don’t need to deprive themselves of Easter treats. Use our...
Celebrate Mother’s Day

Celebrate Mother’s Day

Sunday is a very special day when we honour mothers everywhere. This year Mother’s Day may be a little different, but that doesn’t mean missing out. Why not have a special meal in – now or when you can get together with those who are special to you. Here’s a delicious...