7 Pancake Recipes You’ll Flip For!

7 Pancake Recipes You’ll Flip For!

Tomorrow is Shrove Tuesday, or perhaps you know it better as Pancake Day. Traditionally this was the day when you ate up all the rich food in the house ready for Lent and pancakes were the ideal choice. Who doesn’t love a pancake! Just because you are trying to lose...
St David’s Day Pancakes!

St David’s Day Pancakes!

It isn’t often that Pancake Day and St David’s Day happen on the same day – I wonder if it means we should be having leek pancakes!! Traditionally Pancake Day was the day you ate up all the rich food in preparation for Lent. Just because you’re trying to lose weight,...
You’d batter believe it’s Pancake Day!

You’d batter believe it’s Pancake Day!

Today is Shrove Tuesday ….or Pancake Day! Traditionally this was the day you ate up all the rich food in preparation for Lent. Just because you’re trying to lose weight, you don’t have to miss out on pancakes – they’re great for a sweet or savoury treat at any time –...